What I’m Grateful For…

I don’t need the Thanksgiving holiday to remind me to be grateful. Every day in which I participate, I am thankful for being around. I have listed a few of the zillions of things for which I am grateful, in no particular order.

—At the age of 50, I began to grow fingernails. What an amazing feat! For most of my life, then, I know what it’s like to have the soft, bendable, splitting nails, trying gelatin (both swallowing it and spreading it on my nails), eating protein, wearing gloves, Sally Hansen’s, everything! And now I know what it’s like to have nails that are strong and actually need to be cut. A miracle!

—I still have a lot of hair. Granted, it’s turning gray at a faster rate every month, but at least I have hair.

—I had the amazing experience of pregnancy–3 times! As the 9 months progressed, being pregnant likened me to an obese whale (as opposed to a thin one). I was never one of those fortunate pregnant women who never looked pregnant from behind. I looked pregnant from every angle. I was even asked when I was due after the baby had arrived. Still, I feel so fortunate to have felt life from within–3 times!

—Lori is still my oldest and best friend and has been for 56 years. We are both antiques by definition and so is our friendship….how delicious!

—My brother is alive and doing well after his heart attack. I get to have him with me for a lot longer.

—I had my father for 49 years of my life and my mother for 55 years. Some people lose their parents before they, themselves, have the opportunity to become adults. I was fortunate even though the loss is still profound. When you lose someone you love, however long you have them, it’s is never long enough.

—I survived parenthood during the teenage years and my kids survived me. All the reading I did on parenthood didn’t really prepare me for the on-the-job training. I just kept at it until they (and I) grew up!

—My sister-in-law has been my best friend since she came into the family 48 years ago. Sometimes I forget we weren’t born from the same parents. How lucky am I?

—I got to dance at my son’s wedding. Not everyone can say this because they don’t have a son, or a son that got married, or the physical health of having legs that can dance. I have all three!

—My long-term marriage of 4 decades. While it’s not always easy living with another human being, I always know I have someone wonderful who cares deeply about me and for me; he is in my corner at the end of the day, every day.

—Emma, my dog, who thinks I am perfect day in and day out no matter what I look like, what I say, and what I do. Her essence reminds me there is a Higher Power.

—Books. Any time I want to escape, I can do so either through my hard copies or my Kindle. By the way, I am grateful for my Kindle.

–A dream came true this year for me….My book was published! Oh, how I am so grateful!

—I get a paycheck in the field for which I was educated. Now that is down right lucky.

—My car is paid off. For today, I have no monthly car payments. What a gift!

—Chocolate. Nature’s (?) perfect food. Milk chocolate to be exact.

—Country music… the stories, the words, the fun singing along to love and loss with a Tennessee twang.

—All of my sons are kindhearted with keen intellects. They are beautiful inside and out. And, they are gainfully employed and earning a living–an added benefit!

—I finally found a warm robe (happens to be red!)–the best robe I have ever owned! Cozy and perfect!

—Bamboo plants…I can’t kill them and they look pretty and strong in spite of what I do.

—Quotations. One little phrase can change my way of thinking and set the course for the rest of my day. Here’s a good one by Ethel Barrymore: “You grow up the day you have the first real laugh–at yourself.” I’ve been laughing at myself for years.

—My IPhone filled with Country Music and ‘apps’ that I don’t really use. At least I have them.

—Angels. I can’t get enough of them. They make me feel peaceful and joyful.

—My Aunt Mary. She has been an amazing role model in my life. When I am her age, I want to be just like her with her attitude, grace, and elegance.

—My ‘glass-half-full’ point-of-view. It’s the way I was born and I am so grateful for this way of thinking. It has helped me weather so many of life’s storms.

—Chardonnay. I just love a glass of Chardonnay.

—My two grandchildren. How is it possible to fall in love so deeply with these two little beings? Another example of divinity.

—The wonderful women that my sons with whom my sons fell in love. I am also grateful that they fell in love!

—The color red and my eyes to be able to see this color. The color of passion, love, pain, power, and my new robe!

—Trees (along with Emma) definitely show me that a Higher Power exists. They are as vast and as different as people. Strong, stoic, gorgeous.

—Photography and my dear friend and colleague who has shown me my own potential as a photographer. Who knew I had such a talent?

—My writing which transports me into another world. It always has and always will.

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